Monsters' Book

As you have learnt from the previous sections, the Monsters’ Book contains the Oshi 10. It is also made up of a wide variety of monster species making up the army of USSP or just random ones, some exotic plants and even vehicles! Additionally, the Monsters’ Book accurately describes the story of King (as it was at the time) and explains pretty much everything linked to it such as LOCK, the Scorpion Triangle and Chaos/Sol Emeralds. The latest edition of the book also features the big list of Potions, King’s language and even magic spells inspired from the likes of Harry Potter and similar cartoons.

King and his brothers Oshi 10 - Page 1 Oshi 10 - Page 2 Oshi 10 - Page 3 Oshi 10 - Page 4 Yin - Page 1 Yin - Page 2 Yan - Page 1 Yan - Page 2 Yan - Page 3 Yan - Page 4 DONE Special Monsters Plants - Page 1 Plants - Page 2 Plants - Page 3 Plants - Page 4 Weapons Armor Vehicles - Page 1 Vehicles - Page 2 USSP

Oshi 10

As you probably already know, the Oshi 10 is the equivalent of Ben 10’s watch for me and my cousins. You can make reference to what I’ll be saying to the above pictures. Originally, I imagined the person who I was talking to, when I was really talking to myself, to be King and after playing a PC game in which a boss with magical powers had to be beaten in the end, I took the image of King as that final boss. At the start, I drew King as the original SuperMagician. Dush, Junior and Ath were depicted as original SuperMagicians too but their colors weren’t the same. King’s body color was dark purple, Dush’s, green, Junior’s, blue and Ath’s yellow/brown.

Kamuda was a kind of guardian built by me and my cousins or if you prefer, King and his brothers. The Ultimate SuperMagician is an evolved version of the original SuperMagician. Southdale was an entity which could make use of diverse energies and was thus very useful. Maniora is a plant-type based entity, can control plants and has its body covered in eyes so that nothing can attack her by surprise. Ultimate ST Esprit is the biggest entity and holds the abilities of the first 5 entities of the Oshi 10. I created him back at primary school when I wanted to make the ‘most powerful monster’ ever. He’s the second most powerful entity of the Oshi 10 anyway.

USTE was a little too big for me though and I wanted to make one even more powerful than him. I tried to draw another monster but messed up a little. I didn’t reject the monster I had just made and called him Singania. He controls fire and always slighly levitates above the ground (notice how his feet differs from the other entities). Finally, I managed to make the most powerful entity of the Oshi 10! On the way back home from school one day, I discussed about a new entity to my cousins. No one didn’t really dislike his description so, here he is; the Senior SuperMagician. He was the most powerful evolved version of the SuperMagician and his magical powers were beefed up considerably by the Emeralds. He could control each element and mastered every magical power. He was now the entity that represented King, Dush, Junior and Ath, not the original SuperMagician anymore.

So far, I had already made up 8 entities. One day, I got the idea to make up something similar to Ben 10’s Omnitrix. I wanted that my magical watch had 10 monsters too. So, I made 2 new beefed up versions of Southdale and Maniora. They may seem less impressive, but they were more powerful than their predecessors.


USSP (King’s planet after the war on Uranus) had 2 main armies; Yin and Yan. Yin and Yan had 6 and 12 leaders repectively for guiding their soldiers. The Yin and the Yan armies were equally strong. The soldiers of Yin were far more powerful than that of Yan but to account for that difference in power, Yan was made up of more soldiers.

The 6 leaders of Yin were dragons and lead their soldiers through specific types of environments. The soldiers of Yan were deployed based on the type of incident that was occurring rather than on the type of environment.

Other Contents

The drawings in DONE (Design of Natural Electricity) represent souls and don’t really have some big importance. They would later be used as the map of Battleland Evolution.

The monsters on the twelfth picture had been drawn by one of my friends in primary school. They didn’t quite fit in the story but I just took them to be random entities that could be found on USSP. The pages of the plants, weapons, armor and vehicles can be ignored. I just wanted to draw these back then. Along with some big paragraphs detailing just about everything, that’s all the Monsters’ Book was made of!

Little More

There was 4 editions of the Monsters’ Book I made with the next one more detailed than the previous one.
The last picture above represents the final drawing of USSP. The circle at the centre of it represents the planet as I said in the home activities section. The little triangles are spaceships that will attack if needed. The little circles are assistants and will help to repair damages. The little squares are shields and will defend against attack. The triangles outside of the big circle are for protecting the planet and simultaneously serve as a cloacking device too, justifying the “USSP” name.
There is also one picture with King and his brothers in it. They are all represented in their Senior SuperMagician form.